What’s the Difference Between R-22, R-410A & Lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerants?

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Comparing Refrigerants Side-by-Side

As a homeowner considering an HVAC purchase, it’s important that you understand the difference so you can make the best decision for your system. We’ve outlined below the main differences and why they matter.


  • Often referred to by a brand name like Freon®
  • As of 2010, R-22 was discontinued for use in new air conditioning systems
  • R-22 is a hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) which contributes to ozone depletion


  • Often referred to by a brand name like Puron®
  • R-410A will be discontinued in new, residential air conditioners beginning Jan. 1, 2026. New R-410A systems can still be installed through Dec. 31, 2025.
  • R-410A is being phased down and replaced by low GWP refrigerants (A2Ls).

A2L Refrigerants

  • The HFC phasedown is being driven by the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, which has authorized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate the supply and demand of HFC refrigerants.
  • A2L refrigerants are characterized by mild flammability, low toxicity, and low GWP. They include hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) and HFO blends.
  • Low GWP refrigerants, R-32 (675 GWP) and R-454B (466 GWP) for air conditioning, have been introduced.
  • New equipment and systems using low-GWP refrigerants will be introduced in 2024.

What does this mean to homeowners?

During 2024 and 2025, homeowners looking to replace their AC or heat pump (currently using R-410A) or needing a full system replacement can still replace their unit with R-410A systems (based on availability).  More than likely, this will be a lower cost than the new A2L systems.  However, R-410A refrigerant production will continue to be phased down.  There will be a major cut in HFC refrigerant production / import – 40% in 2024 and 70% beginning in 2029 (potentially driving R-410A prices up).  Limited availability of R-410A will impact service costs (units requiring refrigerant) in the future.

If you’re looking for a full system replacement you can request a quote for one of the new A2L systems.  The low global warming potential systems are more environmentally friendly and have a reduced impact on climate change versus previous refrigerants.

As always, consider potential rebates from your utility company or federal tax credits that are available for selecting higher efficiency systems. You can learn more at www.desireusa.org and www.energy.gov/save/rebates.

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HVAC Glossary of Terms


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435 thoughts on “What’s the Difference Between R-22, R-410A & Lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerants?

  1. Gobstopper seems to have his/her mind made up about Freon and the ozone hole, but the connection between the ozone hole and Freon is really very simple. Ultraviolet rays (the rays that make us tan, and that can cause skin cancer, are the rays the ozone layer helps to stop) come into the Earth’s upper atmosphere from the sun and knock off chlorine atoms (Cl) from Freon. Oxygen like we breath (O2) and ozone (O3) are also in the upper atmosphere and are also broken up by ultraviolet rays. The single Cl and the single O atom combine to make ClO. That means the oxygen is not available to make more ozone (O3). So more chlorine in the Earth’s upper atmosphere means less ozone.

    Gobstopper is right about there being less ozone at the north pole and south pole during the cold season. That’s because air circulation around the poles is stronger during the cold season. More ozone is always produced other places in the upper atmosphere than the poles, because there is more sunlight to break up O2 in those places. After oxygen (O2) is broken up, the single Os will join another O2 to make O3, if there isn’t anything else for it to join. But this ozone (O3) can’t get to the poles until the atmosphere gets warmer and the circulation in the upper atmosphere gets weaker, letting the ozone (O3) through to the poles. So yes, there is less ozone at the poles during the cold season, but that doesn’t change the fact that more chlorine (Cl) in the upper atmosphere leads to less ozone (O3) being produced.

  2. Pingback: Buying the Best Refrigerant Recovery Machine – Top 5 Picks for 2017 - Outdoor Chief

  3. The whole BS about “hole in the ozone layer” caused by Freon is really goofy and not really science based. Ozone is created by sunlight shining on the atmosphere and converting oxygen (O2) to ozone (O3). When the north pole and south pole seasonally get no sunlight you’re going to get a hole in the ozone layer anyway. Naturally.
    Yet another law made up by fear-mongering. Oh yeah, and I prefer Freon to Puron anyway. Less leaks (I own several houses, some with Freon and some with Puron).

    • Agree with Gobstopper. Prefer Freon. In 2014, our furnace went. So we followed advice and had both furnace and (older R22) AC replaced. Nothing wrong with the AC unit. In fact, it was virtually maintenance free and had it for a very long time. A year into the newer R410a, the compressor went. Had it replaced. This year, little air flow. Turns out it was buildup of debris on the condenser coil/cooling fins which by the way, was only bad on 2 out of the 4 sides of the unit. Sprayed it out with a garden hose. Had a tech come by to ensure no damage to the unit. They checked it, flushed the system, etc. Now the thing turns on for so many seconds then turns off, and repeats. Had to turn system off completely. Now they’re coming back free of charge for another check. All I know is this, for 18 years we’ve had the older R22 running with no maintenance service nor do I recall having to treat it like a baby constantly cleaning it’s “bum” – the condenser coils/fins. In effect, we removed a functioning R22 system for a the newer supposedly “better” AC system that’s cause nothing but problems and money spent on service. If I could, I would love my old R22 unit back. Yes, my old unit back. At least I know it worked. Yes it would eventually break. But it’s better than worrying if the high maintenance pieces of junk called R410a will break down every time we turn the system on. Judging by all the feedback in this forum, sounds like R410a is a major disaster.

  4. Three years ago, my a/c unit was replaced with a system using R-410 A. Since it’s been installed it has had to be charged four times. The tech. that installed the unit insist nothing is wrong with the system even though the unit had to be charged twice the first year. Is this true?

    • AC systems are hermetically sealed systems and should not have to be “re-charged” unless they did not have the right charge to begin with or they have developed a leak. You might want to get some other opinions.

  5. Can’t beat the old refrigerants. I found newer R-410a units with more leaks at the evap coil elbows big time. And yes, the new refrigerants are blends, they also have ” Glides” at their boiling points which does make them less efficient in that area. If there is a leak with
    R410a, ( depending on how much was lost ) the chemistry is now changed and the entire charge should be recovered and replaced as a liquid charge ( after the leak is repaired). Being R-410a run at higher operating pressures, higher pressures means higher resistance. To over come the higher resistance, the compressor will draw higher amps which will cause the compressor to run a little warmer and raise your electric bill. The Heat of compression also reduces a units efficiency as it adds heat to the system that it is trying to remove, or transfer. ( Note, this is important for all systems, as a hot running compressor will in time break down the insulation on the windings ( which is usually just varnish ) and cause a burn out. As of the Ozone factor, don’t believe the politics. There is still no change and won’t be as long as volcano’s are shooting sulfur into the strat. As of myself, I’m still using R-22 and will be. I’m leak free since install of 2003. I’m considering designing a system using R-500 as it runs a really low head pressure which in turn would be a low electric bill. Use pleated air filters and keep your coils clean….that will aid in heat transfer…it is a science! Even tho the compression ratio’s are different, I’m still finding the FLA ( full load amps or running amps) a little higher with R-410a. Just something else to sell. Like always newer electronics and changing analog to digital. It actually hurt the economy. Robotics first, employee’s second. Hope you liked the read. Joseph L.

    • Poo Poo Joseph. My father used to tell me he had to walk 10 miles a day to go to school every day. My next door neighbor is 83 years old and he tells me that new cars that state have leather seats are not really leather anymore. Your one of these type of guys aren’t you Joseph?

  6. hello .. please let me know why must charging R410a as liquid ? and what happens if charging as gas ? what is phenomenon called ?

    • Charging with liquid is recommended to ensure best performance. Because R410a is a blend of two different refrigerants, fractionation can occur if removed from the cylinder as a vapor.

  7. I have a Trane unit installed in a new build on Oct 2014. I now have a leak in my condenser and have to have it replaced. The tech told me this was a common problem. Just wanted to know if this is something you have seen also? Thank you for your time.

    • Hi Rodney, Refrigerant eaks can happen from time to time and for various reasons. Sometimes is it better to just replace the coil rather than trying to find and fix the leak so it is possible you might be on the right track here. You might want to get a couple different contractors to quote this repair to make sure you comfortable with the decision. You might also check your warranty on that system too as it might be covered. Good luck with your HVAC project and thanks for visiting our site!

      • Getting ready to have my 3rd a coil in 5 years. Hifh pressure systems and thin copper a coils don’t work. I am told by my company some are on their 6th and 7th. Thanks enviromenalists.

  8. I have a slow leak in my 2004 trane XL19. What are your thoughts about switching over to 407C once its fixed ? This is a cheaper option than relaplacing my unit which still works fine except for the small leak. I have a personal friend put 1 to 2 pounds 3 times in the last 8 months. Please advise. Thanx

    • Please check with the unit manufacturer or qualified contractor on refrigerant retrofit options for your specific unit.

    • R410-A systems and components are designed for different pressures and are not compatible with R-22. Also, R-22 has been banned from new equipment in the US and is or will soon be in short supply and thus, higher priced in the future. If you did manage to change enough parts and the oil etc., you could probably get an R410-A system to pump R22 but the capacity and efficiency could be way off for the cooling needs of your space. So, I’d suggest it might be physically possible to switch back to R22 but it would not be economically beneficial and you might not be as comfortable. There are some other articles in this site that deal with this topic so you might try searching for those if you want more info. Hope this helps.

  9. My HVAC system is running low of gas (R22). Instead of adding gas, I wish to discontinue the use of Freon 22 because of its ozone depletion property. What do I need to replace in the system to accommodate this new gas (410), Compressor?, Expansion Valve? others?

    • Hi Odedina – in order to move from R-22 to R-410A you would have to change the whole outdoor unit (including the compressor) and the expansion device on the indoor coil if the coil you have is R410A compatible. If your coil is not compatible you would have to change that too and might as well just upgrade to a whole new system. If you just replaced the R-22 with R-407C refrigerant you would probably only have to clean and flush the refrigerant lines and recharge with new synthetic oil called POE. Both R-407C and reclaimed R-22 are ok to use with your old equipment. You might just want to continue using it until it is time to replace the whole system. If you can have someone find and fix the leaks in your system that would probably be the most cost effective solution but upgrading might help reduce your energy costs. We recommend getting quotes from a few different contractors before deciding. I hope this help. Thanks for using our site.

    • There are a few drop in replacements for R-22 that I have used and work fairly well like MO99 and Nu22. To switch to 410 would require a completely new system.

    • The whole System. Just add the R22 why because the new HFCs are far far more greenhouse effect gases than R22. We switched from R12 on cars and refrigerators because of Ozone issues but screwed ourselves as these new HFX are 1200+ more damaging as greenhouses gases than C02 R22 to R410 is looking to be simalar. Since the Ozone layer and the big ozone hole in the southern hemisphere is now gone and Ozene is doing its job again I do not see you helping anyone by adding not only $ but higher greenhouse gasses. R134A will soon be phazed out as will R410 but 410 will be farther down the road. Why. Becuase folks normaly keep a car less than 10 years but a home with air more like 40 years. Switching casuses some leakage and everyone switching at the same time would be a big issue for both Ozone and greenhouse effects. Again. Just put some more R22 in the system till this is all figured out would in my opinion would be less damaging to the environment. Putting some more R22 will also make your system work better if it is low thus less energy thus less C02 in the air. Make sence. Dont let some salesman have some tech try and talk you into R410.
      Jim Bronson PhD

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